Results 2014


1st place - OKK Koksovny, a. s. (OKK Coking Plants)

1st place - OKK Koksovny, a. s. (OKK Coking Plants)

The award was granted for a massive increase in the use of eAuctions, especially for the introduction of eAuctions and requests and the large number carried out in a short period of use. It has resulted in not just the use of eAuction software but a complete change of the purchasing process. The jury also took into account the team's creativity in the use of different types of auctions, NIPPON and ERMMA, and the not inconsiderable savings of 10%.
2nd place - Trenčin Region

2nd place - Trenčin Region

The award was granted primarily for the rollout of eAuctions for procurement in the Trenčin autonomous region. eAuctions are also used in an additional 88 subordinate organizations. The award is also for creativity in the use of NIPPON, a Japanese ticker auction, which is not at all common in public administration. On top of this savings of 11% were achieved.
3rd place - TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a. s. (Trinec Steelworks)

3rd place - TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a. s. (Trinec Steelworks)

The award was for innovation, creativity and courage in the introduction of eAuctions. Creativity was seen, among other things, in the use of various types of eAuction module, ie ERMMA, NIPPON and Dutch ticker eAuctions, and in the pursuit of a commodity eAuction strategy. The company has shown courage in starting large investment projects, but also distinct economic rationality, which has led to achieving real savings by using eAuctions.


1st place - Dalkia ČR, a. s.

1st place - Dalkia ČR, a. s.

The award has been granted for the development, implementation, and further enhancing of its own longterm eAuction system. The Companys systematic effort has meant eAuctions have been used to solve a raft of problems and make substantial savings. Much credit is given to the volume of eAuctions carried out by the company annually through its system and finally to the fact that the eAuction system is used by at least 13 sub-entities.
2nd place - Prague 2 Municipal District Office

2nd place - Prague 2 Municipal District Office

The award has been granted for comprehensive coverage of all areas of management of procurement through eAuctions, identification of the political representation of eAuctions and sharing eAuction know-how. After full implementation of eAuctions for construction contracts in 2014 their number increased by 100% and also increased savings by 100%. The achieved savings, which amounts to an average of 20% compared to the expected prices is a very good result. Both the purchasing and selling eAuctions have been implemented (750 in the last 3 years).
3rd place - Žilina region

3rd place - Žilina region

The award was given for the implementation of eAuctions in their organizations, where they have also set up control mechanisms for working with suppliers and have an internal elecronic catalogue of 2300 suppliers. Also a significantly large number of tenders were carried out through eAuction.


1st place - Holger Plein - RWE Service GmbH

1st place - Holger Plein - RWE Service GmbH

The award was granted for the enforcement of computerization of the purchasing process at the international level within seven European countries and 15 subsidiaries. Notable is also the total number of eAuctions which has reached 6800 and 350 buyers who were buying when eAuctions were used. The jury also praised the high proportion TICKER eAuctions, which according to the nature of individual commodities made up 30% of all eAuctions, and last but not least savings of 14.3%. All these facts are evidence of extraordinary merit, results and the extent of the work done by the team of Holger Plein.
2nd place - Tomáš Veit - Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.

2nd place - Tomáš Veit - Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.

The award was granted for the progress the company has made in three years in the use of eAuctions, from an average of 200 e-sourcing activities annually with a value of 140 mil. CZK. 2014 brings a distinct quantitative leap to about 500 e-sourcing activities involving local teams in 8 European countries and the financial capacity of 100 mil. CZK ie 2 billion dollars). For the Czech Republic also can be very pleasant that Pilsner Urquell has become an important initiator of the spread of eAuction philosophy across the multinational corporation SAB.
3rd place - Lucie Šebelová - Siemens

3rd place - Lucie Šebelová - Siemens

The award has been granted for both the doubling of eAuctions compared with 2013 and their aggregate annual capacity of 370 mil. CZK and finally, the real savings of 14%. The jury also praised the determination to go against conventional wisdom of central procurement and to promote more effective local decentralization. There was also a very important contribution to the promotion of eAuctions in other regions covered by Siemens.

Special FSA Awards

Marco Tardioli

Marco Tardioli

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