The eAuction has become an integral part of the structure transformation of CZ LOKO company and its purchasing department. The jury appreciated the persistence and faith in the effectiveness of electronic tools even though the system had its opponents within the company. As stated by one of the members of the jury: “Keep it up and one day you will be selling locomotives via eAuctions.”
2nd place - The Real Estates Maintenance of Znojmo
3rd place - East Slovakian Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases
3rd place - The Town Hall of Tišnov
1st place - Czech Railways
An outstanding progress within the former state enterpridses. The system has been introduced throughout the entire company all over the Czech Republic and an considerable step in the modernization of the company purchase methods was made. Costs were decreased significantly. There are 140 administrators and an enormous number of eAuctions.
2nd place - RWE Transgas
2nd place - Východoslovenská energetika
3rd place - Žďár nad Sázavou Municipality
1st place - Daša Paláková, Ministry of Finance, Slovakia
Výrazný počin v oblasti dřívějších státních podniků, rozšíření napříč celou firmou s celorepublikovou působností a výrazný krok v modernizaci nákupních forem společnosti. Značná finanční úspora prostředků, 140 administrátorů, ohromný počet eAukcí.
2nd place - Sokolovská uhelná, successor in title, a. s.
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